Registration & Student Expectations

Welcome to Seneca Highlands Career and Technical Center! We are excited to have you aboard and look forward to meeting you. 

Registering for our career programs is handled by the counseling departments of each of our sending districts. If your student would like to attend the CTC, please talk with their guidance counselor. 

Student Expectations

At the start of each school year, ask parents to complete all requested paperwork, and supply us  with your contact information so we can reach you in the event of an emergency. We expect all families to review the class syllabuses to determine what supplies are needed for each class.

We expect students to dress appropriately, at all times, for their shop areas; we make every effort to supply that information within the first few days of school. Students must provide their own footwear, but we will provide their first pair of safety glasses.

Except under abnormal circumstances, students may not drive to the CTC, even if they drive to their home school. Each school provides district transportation to the CTC. In the rare event that a student needs to remain at school beyond their scheduled bus departure, they must first submit a “student driving permit” form. 

We expect all students to submit to the CTC’s Discipline Code and supply each student with a student handbook detailing its interpretation. Please read and sign the acknowledgement form at the back of your handbook, and return it to your instructor within the first week of school. 

All registered students attend a Career Center meeting (prior to school’s start) to discuss their personal career objectives and to review district standards regarding tobacco and drugs and alcohol possession and/or use on school property. At this meeting, we will also discuss the importance of not initiating or becoming involved in hands-on fighting. 

We strongly recommend that students not bring cellphones to the CTC. We do not allow students to use phones during class time, as they distract from the education environment and may create unsafe situations in our shops.