Our SOAR program (Students Occupationally and Academically Ready) prepares students for college and career in today’s diverse, high-performing workplace. It offers hands-on, technical programs of study to guide students along a career pathway that aligns with postsecondary degrees or certifications. And thanks to our articulation agreement with Penn College of Technology, SOAR allows students to earn college credit while still in high school.

Supporting High-Demand Careers

SOAR prepares students for occupations in high demand with high-skill needs that can provide family-sustaining wages. At Seneca Highlands CTC, that includes these areas of study:

By being a part of SOAR, students save money and time in college, get hands-on experience in their field of choice to make sure they get started on the right career pathway, and enter the job market with the technical skills they need to succeed.

Articulation Agreement

SOAR’s advanced credit transfer program is made possible by the Perkins Statewide Articulation Agreement. This agreement requires postsecondary institutions that receive state funding for CTE and SOAR programs to award college credit to students who have met the listed qualifications. It also stipulates that those credits be applied to programs of study that lead to industry-recognized credentials or certificates. 

Each school must clearly identify which programs of study will award and/or accept such credits.