Fish School
Fish school took place on Friday, December 9, 2022, for the students in Kim Mooney’s early childhood education class at the Seneca Highlands Career and Technical Center.
What is fish school? It is a program designed to help children understand fish - the aquatic vertebrates that have gills, paired fins, a long body covered with scales, and tend to be cold-blooded.
Both the morning and afternoon career and technical (CTC) students enjoyed playing games to test their knowledge after garnering information about different types of fish, the parts of a fish, and the camouflage of fish. All topics were those that could be passed along later in science lessons written up by the CTC students and shared with younger students.
Thanks to Lorraine Jacobs, a youth education instructor for water, forestry, natural resources, and ecology for the Penn State extension, for bringing that program and many others to our area.